Euranet Srl (hereinafter Euranet) and the safeguarding of your privacy
Thank you for visiting one of the Euranet network websites.
The Euranet network is the group of websites under the internet domains and
Euranet is committed to protecting and safeguarding your privacy.
Please read this document relating to the personal data privacy policies implemented by Euranet.
The privacy policy was created by Euranet in accordance with national and international rules and regulations.
The intent of this Policy
This page describes the management procedures of Euranet network websites with reference to the processing of personal data of the users who consult our online services.
These are guidelines provided also pursuant to Art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 – Italian Data Protection Act – for the users who interact with Euranet network web services for the protection of personal data, accessible electronically from the: and websites
These guidelines are provided for the Euranet network only and do not apply to any other websites accessed by the user via links.
1. The data controller
Following consultation of this website, data concerning identified or identifiable persons may be processed.
The “controller” of the processing is Euranet S.r.l., with registered office in Milan, Via Boccaccio, 20.
2. Methods of data processing
The processing operations connected to the web services of this website are carried out only by staff located at offices in charge of the processing, or by persons in charge of occasional operations of maintenance and support, eventually appointed as in charge of or responsible for the processing, where required by law.
No data originating from browsing of Euranet network websites is communicated or disclosed, except in cases of legal and judicial investigations. In some cases, data may be used for statistical purposes and analysed to improve our website services and browsing.
In some cases, personal information will be requested from you in order to access the services provided on Euranet network websites. If you use these services, we encourage you to read the relative specific guidelines for these services.
The personal data provided by users who submit requests for the sending of information material (information or commercial newsletters) are used for the sole purpose of performing the service or performance requested, and are communicated to third parties only where this is necessary for that purpose.
In this regard it should be noted that, at the time of the data provision, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/03, guidelines are provided to the interested party on the purposes and methods of processing, on the compulsory or optional nature of data transfer, on the consequences of non-provision, on the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated and the range of dissemination of the same data, on the rights under Art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 (access, integration, update, amendment, deletion for law infringement, objection to the processing, etc.), on the identity and location of the controller and of the person(s) in charge of the processing.
The interested party is then requested to express his informed consent, free and expressed specifically, which is documented in the form prescribed by law.
If the provision of personal data takes place in successive stages, additions to the guidelines already declared beforehand may be provided and eventual new consents to the processing provided for by the Code requested.
3. Types of data processed
3.1 Browsing data
The computer systems and software procedures used for the operation of the Euranet network, during their normal operation, obtain some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
These are data that are collected not to be associated with specific users, but by their very nature, through processing and association with other data held by third parties, could allow users to be identified.
This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) identifiers of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment.
The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the hypothetical case of computer crimes against the website.
3.2 Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses associated with various services in the Euranet network involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to the sender’s requests, and of any other personal data included in the message.
The Euranet network may host or have in place a partnership with third party websites. In some cases in these websites you may be asked to enter your personal information.
For third party websites Euranet will not process the data collected in these forms, and the data controllership will be the responsibility of the partner or host website.
3.3 Cookies
3.3.1 How to control and delete cookies
Euranet will not use cookies to collect personal information about you.
However, if you wish to restrict or block cookies placed by Euranet websites – or any other website – you can do this through your browser options.
The HELP function will outline to you how to proceed.
Alternatively, you can visit the website that provides very clear information for disactivating cookies on a wide range of browsers.
You will also find instructions about how to delete them completely from your computer as well as information about cookies in general.
Be careful however because the restriction of cookies may impact on some of the features of Euranet websites.
If you would like to see your cookie code, simply double-click on one of the cookies to open it.
You will see a short string of code consisting of text and numbers. The numbers are your identification card, visible only by the server that gave you the cookie.
For information about how to enable this procedure on your mobile phone browser, refer to its instruction manual.
To disactivate totally the collection of data related to your interaction on Euranet, you can refer to section 3.2.
3.3.2 Locally Shared Objects (Flash cookies)
Euranet also uses Adobe Flash Player to offer services through its website.
To enhance the user experience, some locally shared objects – commonly known as Flash cookies – are used to provide some features such as resuming watching a video after a break.
Flash cookies are stored on the user’s computer like other cookies, but you cannot manage them at browser level with the same procedure.
How to disactivate Flash cookies:
The Adobe website offers clear information about how to delete or disactivate Flash cookies, valid for all websites – for more information see -.
Please be careful, because limiting the use of Flash cookies may impact some functionality made available for applications built in Flash.
3.3.3 Cookies from third parties Cookies placed by third parties
As a support to our activity, sometimes in the pages of the Euranet network websites we include videos from websites external to our network.
It follows from this that when you visit a page that offers content from third party websites you may be presented with cookies coming from these websites. Euranet does not control the distribution of these cookies.
You should therefore consult these third party websites for more information about these cookies. News websites that share tools
Please note that Euranet websites sometimes have “share” buttons to allow users to share information easily across a number of popular social networks.
These websites may place a cookie when you are logged in to their service.
Euranet does not control the distribution of these cookies and you should therefore consult these third party websites for more information about these cookies.
4. Optional nature of data provision
With the exception of what has been specified for browsing data, the user is free to provide personal data contained in the application forms for the various services in the Euranet network to request the sending of information material or other communications.
However, the non-provision of this data will result in the impossibility in obtaining what has been requested.
5. Security measures
Personal data are processed using automated tools, for the time strictly necessary to obtain the results for which they are collected.
Specific security measures are complied with to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorised access.
Please note also that the Web Analytics system conversion functionality installed on the Euranet servers are active on this website…
It should also be noted that any data provided by the person browsing the Web and data relating to the browsing session will be processed and stored on servers owned by the same Euranet for the time strictly necessary for the purposes described more generally in these guidelines.
6. Rights of interested parties
Pursuant to Article 7 and subsequent articles of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003, the Data Protection Act, the subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data and to know their content and origin, verify their accuracy or request their integration or update, or rectification, erasure, anonymization or block of data processed unlawfully, and to oppose however, for legitimate reasons, its processing.
The procedures for the exercise of these rights are specified in the guidelines from time to time provided to the interested party.